이룸어학원/이룸 연수후기

바콜로드 이룸어학원에서 공부한 일본인 학생의 연수후기

GENE_E-ROOM 2012. 9. 25. 16:12

I've studied english in E-room for 8 weeks...

During that time I learned a lot of things and really enjoyed..

It's the best choice that I choose E-room....

there are some reasons why I'm saying like that...


The teachers in E-room are really good..

All of my teachers are really friendly and gave me a lot of good

tips for studying English and make me free to be able to use the

English in class room..

that's why I can speak and express my feeling like that, even

though I was't good at English in Japan....


There are so many chance to speak English in E-room.

Because , This school is comprised of Koreans and Japanese..

the meaning is we can have a chance to use English while living

in this school..

In my case, I could make good relationship with Korean students.

We've made lots of good experience together..

I think that E-room has the best environment ro study English.

If I have a chance later..I want to go back E-room again..

Util then, be careful all of my E-room friends.



바콜로드 이룸어학원 사무실 사진입니다^^